Written by:  Barry P. Foley
09 January 2010

 She sleeps ‘bout 18 hours a day
She has her food prepared her own special  way
She can eat  ‘bout anytime she wants
Her meals are provided at no  cost

 She lives in a very nice neighborhood
In a house much larger than she  should
Has her  choice of luxurious places to sleep
She’s is not required to do any  upkeep.

She gets these  accommodations absolutely free.
Her  attitude is more like a queen bee,

If she  makes a mess, someone else ceans it up.

You  know she don’t really give a  f***
She  visits the doctor about once a year
Just to make sure everything is  clear
For  this she pays nothing, and nothing is required of her.

She’s the Queen of the Castle, and that for sure

TAG: She’s the  Queen of the Castle, and that for  sure